Dairy farms nowadays must be efficient
and perform well from an economic point of view.

You have worries, we have answers!


€RGO® is the most advanced and efficient operative management software.
Not just accounting.

It works with a logic of branches of the business,
so that the final output is represented by single P&Ls for every branch,
such as dairy cows, field management, pigs, poultry, bio-gas plant, cheese factory, farm store, and so on…

You will be able to identify and focuson the most and less profitable sectors, and draw conclusions based on solid data!


Every branch communicates with the others through the internal transfer system.

By participating in the benchmarking programme you will be able to compare your economic results, anonymously, with many other top farms.


  • It is really user-friendly;
  • You can also automatically import electronic invoices;
  • It is provided with a bill book, to keep an eye on payments due;
  • Unitary costs allow the evaluation of every supplier;
  • Sensational reporting helps you improve your choices;
  • Easy reports facilitate the drawing of conclusions… and improve your dialogue with the banks;
  • and much more…

For simple information or to request a free demo fill out this form:

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